Our Story

Precision Rifle QLD grew out of a competition started in 2021 called the Queensland Precision Rifle Challenge, which in turn grew from a lack of national competitions.

We soon realised that the sport was very popular among Queensland shooters, however finding ranges that were templated for our sport proved a challenge. In true Australian style, it was our mates that came through for us in the end.

A helping hand from the team at Precision Rifle NSW, a generous donation from the now defunct QPRC and we had ourselves a vision, all we needed was a range.

On the 26th of February 2023, PRQLD held their first match at Jandowae SSAA and our club was a reality.

Our Mission

To provide deliberate and structured Precision Rifle matches that challenge both rookie and seasoned competitors in a relaxed and safe environment where comradeship and competition complement each other, and shooters can build confidence so they can comfortably compete in national-level matches.

Our Vision 

To grow the sport of Precision Rifle matches in a safe, fun, and professional environment, provide our members with challenging courses of fire that increase their skills and encourage experienced shooters to assist newer members.