Meet the Committee

No club can be what it is without its committee. The below members are your committee for the club and deserve to be recognised for the hard work they do behind the scenes to make this club (your club) what it is today. Each and every one of these guys has put in countless hours to make what you see today.

Keiran - President

Keiran has been involved in the club match and precision rifle scene since competing in his first club match in late 2017. With collaboration from Trent, Precision Rifle NSW President, and with the help of the committee, Keiran has been the driving force behind getting Precision Rifle QLD Inc up and running. 

Calibre of choice: 6mm Creedmoor  

Craig - Vice President

Craig has been properly involved in the Precision Rifle scene since 2017 when he attended the inaugural PRS Australia match in Mildura. Since then he has shot numerous national and club level matches all over Australia. Being in the Army for the last 19 years Craig brings with him a wealth of experience as a shooter and behind the scenes with leadership and managerial skills. He doesn’t mind shooting an Accuracy International either and is more than happy to help out newer shooters with information and training.

Calibre of choice: 6mm Creedmoor and 300 Norma magnum  

Henry – Secretary

Renowned in the precision rifle community for his love of the 6mm BR and prone shooting, Henry is a true gentleman of the discipline. Whether it’s a national or local club match, Henry always offers help and advice to his fellow competitor.

Calibre of choice: 6mm BR

Benny – Rifle Captain

Well-loved in the Precision Rifle community Benny brings a level head and a good laugh to any situation which needs it. As a professional in his field and a brilliant competitor, Benny will be one to watch as he strives hard to reach his goals on the rifle range and be the best precision rifle competitor he can be. Not only is he great at shooting, but he has a wealth of experience in other areas which help with running the club and making it what it is today and into the future.

Calibre of choice: 6mm DashER / 6.5X47 lAPUA

The T-Rex – treasurer/Pistol Captain

A lifelong hunter, the T-Rex cut his teeth culling pigs in the natural wetlands and channel country of Central Queensland. Discovering precision rifle competitions in 2018, he was immediately hooked and was a founding member of both the QPRC and PRQLD. The T-Rex is an active student of arms and enjoys collecting a variety of both historical and modern weapons.

Calibre of choice: 6BRX/338 Lapua

james – deputy Pistol Captain

James is probably one of the loudest members of our club and the owner of Redacted Actual. He has continually provided prizes for our club members as well.

Calibre of choice: 6.5 Creedmoor